Nuja theme sample A personal blog.

Article 3

by Alexis Métaireau file under cat1

Article 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu est mauris. Integer pharetra sodales velit, non dictum massa dictum id. Aliquam non tortor a turpis porta lobortis. Curabitur a leo pellentesque, egestas tellus et, ultrices diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id felis euismod, elementum erat at, luctus mi. Proin tincidunt ligula justo, id dignissim massa suscipit in. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum euismod ornare dolor, non congue magna tempus a. Aliquam erat volutpat.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id felis euismod, elementum erat at, luctus mi. Proin tincidunt ligula justo, id dignissim massa suscipit in. Suspendisse potenti.

Oh yeah !

by Alexis Métaireau file under bar with tags , ,

Why not ?

After all, why not ? It's pretty simple to do it, and it will allow me to write my blogposts in rst ! YEAH !

alternate text

Unbelievable !

by Alexis Métaireau file under misc

Or completely awesome. Depends the needs.

a root-relative link to markdown-article a file-relative link to markdown-article

Testing sourcecode directive

formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]

Testing another case

This will now have a line number in 'custom' since it's the default in pelican.conf, it will have nothing in default.

formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]


Testing more sourcecode directives

 8def run(self):
10 try:
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.arguments[0])
12 except ValueError:
# no lexer found - use the text one instead of an exception
14 lexer = TextLexer()

16 if ('linenos' in self.options and
self.options['linenos'] not in ('table', 'inline')):
18 self.options['linenos'] = 'table'

20 for flag in ('nowrap', 'nobackground', 'anchorlinenos'):
if flag in self.options:
22 self.options[flag] = True

24 # noclasses should already default to False, but just in case...
formatter = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=False, **self.options)
26 parsed = highlight('\n'.join(self.content), lexer, formatter)
return [nodes.raw('', parsed, format='html')]


Testing even more sourcecode directives

formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]


Testing overriding config defaults

Even if the default is line numbers, we can override it here

formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]
