simplify-theme theme sample

Article 3
by Alexis Métaireau, post on Thu 17 February 2011

Article 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu est mauris. Integer pharetra sodales velit, non dictum massa dictum id. Aliquam non tortor a turpis porta lobortis. Curabitur a leo pellentesque, egestas tellus et, ultrices diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id felis euismod, elementum erat …

This is a super article !
by Alexis Métaireau, post on Thu 02 December 2010

Multi-line metadata should be supported as well as inline markup.

Oh yeah !
by Alexis Métaireau, post on Wed 20 October 2010

Why not ?

After all, why not ? It's pretty simple to do it, and it will allow me to write my blogposts in rst ! YEAH !

alternate text

Unbelievable !
by Alexis Métaireau, post on Fri 15 October 2010

Or completely awesome. Depends the needs.

a root-relative link to markdown-article a file-relative link to markdown-article

Testing sourcecode directive

formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]

Testing another case

This will now have a line number in 'custom' since it's the default in pelican.conf, it will …