Tagged with bar

Second article

This is some article, in english

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu est mauris. Integer pharetra sodales velit, non dictum massa dictum id. Aliquam non tortor a turpis porta lobortis. Curabitur a leo pellentesque, egestas tellus et, ultrices diam. Suspendisse id felis euismod, elementum erat at, luctus mi. Proin tincidunt ligula justo, id dignissim massa suscipit in. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum euismod ornare dolor, non congue magna tempus a. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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This is a super article !

Some content here !

This is a simple title

And here comes the cool stuff.

alternate text alternate text
>>> from ipdb import set_trace
>>> set_trace()

→ And now try with some utf8 hell: ééé

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Oh yeah !

Why not ?

After all, why not ? It's pretty simple to do it, and it will allow me to write my blogposts in rst ! YEAH !

alternate text
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